If you've spent any time outdoors during summer months then you know all about bees. They are yellow, black and often induce more fear into people than the situation warrants. Bees do sting, and people with allergies can be seriously affected. If a colony of bees builds a hive around your property, any outdoor activities such as children playing in the yard or mowing the lawn, near that hive can be seen as aggression and stings can occur.
Beehives should not be touched without the right equipment and safety measures. We at Upper Hand Pest Management are bee control and bee removal experts and we safely remove hives, prevent their return, and use environmentally sound methods that will not interfere with commercial hives and pollinators.

To get a bit technical, wasps are insects in the hymenoptera order and the apocrita sub-order. Wasps are often mistaken for bees and confused with other stinging insects. Wasps are notorious for building their nests right in places where people like to gather, like around your deck or under the eaves of your roof in your backyard. These stinging insects are also well known for viciously defending their nests.
Wasps come in all shapes and sizes. Unlike bees, some wasps are solitary while others thrive in large colonies. Some wasps survive entirely on nectar from plants, but others are parasitic and will attack other insects. They have a painful sting, and unlike bees, wasps do not leave their stingers behind. That means they can sting someone over and over again - which makes them particularly painful pests.

When it comes to bees, any respectable exterminator will seek sustainable alternatives to extermination – and Upper Hand Pest Control is no different.

Wasps come in all shapes and sizes. Unlike bees, some wasps are solitary while others thrive in large colonies. Some wasps survive entirely on nectar from plants, but others are parasitic and will attack other insects.